HOW TO PREPARE FOR CA EXAMS?—> The course of Chartered Accountancy is considered to be one of the most dignified yet tough professional courses that one could pursue and because of this reason, it is also one of the most popular courses. Hence, there is a huge number of enrolments every year.
Despite being a difficult one, candidates shall understand that it is not something unattainable, what is required is the right guidance and preparation. Realizing the fact that this journey is not quick is quite important and once you understand that it is all going to be worth it, in the end, can help you scale heights. It is surely a long process but students shall put in all the efforts and make it happen.
Topping such a tough course may seem improbable, especially when we hear so much about it and subconsciously convince ourselves that it is difficult. But the only key is to focus and visualize your goals, when you keep your long-term goals in mind and can visualize how it would look once you’ve reached the destination, can fuel you and motivate you constantly to perform better.
Apart from this, we also need to be passionate enough and refuse to give up because only then it would become easier for you to be able to convince yourself to not give up and keep hustling. To help you excel, we are presenting you some of the tips that can help you plan you prepare, and succeed thereafter.
Read ahead to know the exclusive 6 R’s Formula.
1. Read the study material intensively
One of the wisest decisions that any student can ever make is choosing to read the study material thoroughly. Without getting a clear idea of what the ICAI offers, you cannot even think of getting a higher score. Only when you make sure that the concepts are clear enough and you have drawn enough inferences of the same, you can plan thereafter.
2. Refer only to one suggested reference book
Candidates shall understand that referring to too many books or resources can pull your results much lower than can you even imagine. Just make sure that you have completed the syllabus and have revised the things multiple times. Understand, that more number of books in no way means more marks. That can only make you more confused and hence, the results would be affected.
3. Remove doubts by discussing them with seniors or teachers
Students shall make sure that all their doubts and queries should be clarified timely. Whether you ask your teachers or your seniors but always get them sorted at the earliest because if you keep on piling them up, there’s a possibility that you might forget it later and that could cost you so much.
4. Record and scribble your notes
As you know that one of the most important things while preparing for your exams is making study notes. Our advice to you is that you shall go through them repeatedly and scribble them as much as required. Students shall be able to revise and get a clear overview of the entire chapter at once. It would help you stay calm during the last days and perform as per your expectations.
5. Revise your notes and study material
Since revision plays a vital role in one’s preparation, students shall revise the notes and study material very religiously. Leaving even a single thing can cost you beyond your imagination. Repeated revisions are advised when we talk about preparation for professional courses and hence, being proactive and ready for tests is an important point which the candidates shall keep in their minds.
6. Recapitulate the main points
When you make notes for yourself, always make it a point to mark the headings and highlight the main points so that whenever you sit to revise a particular topic, it becomes easier for you to understand things and quickly get a glance at whatever is required. You can also create mind maps for the same.
The syllabus and examination are surely modeled in a way that even students can crack them, so, thinking that it is not achievable is very wrong. We do know that it is considered one of the hardest tests to crack in India but once the students can uncover the right technique, they can achieve your goal. The ones who are not able to make it is actually because of the unrealistic expectations, poor learning strategy, and incompetent coaching that the students get, so, always keep in mind that it is a combination of so many things, every small decision plays a vital role in your journey and that’s why you shall be cautious at all times.
Candidates shall understand that the CA course requires dedication, preparation, and hard work, and above all, a never-give-up attitude. More than anything, you require a proper strategy to plan and work things out. Studying everything available will not help you because here, things don’t work this way, all that is required is only conceptual clarity and nothing else. With that being said, you also need to figure out what exactly can help you in achieving the best result, it may be different for everyone because of course, everyone has different study patterns and hence the techniques may also vary.
Being an accountant is a dream for many people but what makes so many people aspire for it and dedicate years of their lives preparing to be a chartered accountant is the umpteen benefits the profession reap but the candidates shall understand that for all times, it is required to keep the spirits high and keep moving forward.
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How to Prepare for CA Foundation Exam? (Subject-Wise Tips)
How to prepare for your CA exams in the last 10 days?
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