HOW TO PREPARE FULL SYLLABUS OF CA IN THE LAST DAYS? —> We all are well aware of the fact that there is no single strategy that will work for everyone. The reason is obvious- ‘there is no one size that fits all.’ The continual pressure to perform well creates a good deal of stress and sometimes, we feel down. Try not to get discouraged, try to refocus, gain perspective and recharge mental energies so that you can move forward. Whatever your destination is, your abilities can get you there, and all you need is strong dedication towards your goals. You must respect the commitments you have made to yourself and that way you can make your own road to success.
It’s much easier to set goals than to actually get them done, even more, when the path is difficult and the journey is tough- becoming a CA is one of them, obviously. Clearing the examinations on 1st attempt is not so rare.
We have listed a few simple steps which would eventually help all the aspirants to get better and achieve their goals.
Let’s go through some points as to how to prepare a full CA course in the last days.
Set a Proper Time Table with Daily Targets
When you have mountains of work to do, it is natural to get low on motivation and getting started can seem to be impossible. But if you break these tasks into small achievable goals, you’ll be able to work through them more easily.
Setting time limitations for the same has proved to be the most important factor to get results, since forever. Please note that it is required to dedicate fixed study hours to each subject, depending upon its weightage.
Eat your Frogs First
You need to identify all your weak spots, first. Create a strong plan to address all the challenges and obstacles. Since we’re short of time, it won’t be possible to focus on them anytime later. Hence, it is important to go through the topics and note the ones which you have trouble recalling. You shall then, work upon brushing these concepts.
Prepare Notes
Preparing notes is incredibly important. It not only helps you to reinforce the concepts but also, helps with last-minute revisions. Though handwritten notes are always given more importance in case students are comfortable with some already made notes, they may also go for it. But make sure, you have something really of worth to revise from, right before the exams.
Attempt Papers
Getting a clear overview of the question papers is again an essential step. Practice as many questions as you can as it will help you to get a clear insight into the pattern which will in-turn boost your confidence. Do not forget to thoroughly go through the ICAI’s MTPs and RTPs.
Review your Progress
After all of these steps, measure your progress. We have to be able to want to get better and to put ego aside for long enough to accept that we have room for improvement. Identify the areas which still can get better. Dedicate the next few days to it. Do your bit and you’re all set.
Other Important Tips:-
- Take control of how you think, how you feel, how you act.
- Take short breaks. Do not overburden yourself.
- Keep all the distractions away. Let nothing hinder your efforts.
- Stay focused and motivated.
Achieving your dreams can be tough, especially when you face challenges along the way every now and then. However, understanding that obstacles are a part of your journey and continuing to work through them no matter what will help you reach the desired destination. Keep working towards your goals and you will be able to accomplish more than you ever thought was possible.
Also Read:
How to secure ranks in CA Foundation exams?
How to prepare for CA Foundation exams? (Subject-wise tips)
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