Chartered Accountancy, despite being one of the haunting courses still attracts a lot of students because of the fame and respect it gives you back.
Becoming a Chartered Accountant is definitely a difficult task and it does require a lot of efforts but you shall also believe the fact that to achieve your goals, you need hunger and not just a choice.
Clearing the examinations and getting this degree still remains a dream for a lot of people but you shall understand that the secret to success lies within you and if you try hard and do what’s required, you’ll surely get where you wish to.
The CA students often find themselves confused and trapped in the thoughts of what are the steps which they shall focus on while they’re left with only 2 months of preparation time. To assist them, we’ve listed some points as to how to prepare for CA FOUNDATION exams in 2 months?
Understand your study habits
Students shall make sure that they understand their study habits clearly and then, plan their course of action. As a matter of fact, if you make a schedule without learning your interests and habits, you won’t ever be able to succeed. Hence, you shall always make a point to understand and learn about your interests and then, proceed with selecting your preparation technique.
Prepare a realistic schedule
Students often tend to prepare an unrealistic schedule which includes achieving some really big targets by the end of the day. And, it does never benefit you rather, incomplete goals gives you a feeling of disappointment and makes you demotivated. So, in order to avoid it and work efficiently, it is important to make a realistic, time-based schedule for yourself.
Mind Mapping
Another important point which the students shall necessarily make sure is preparing a mind map. Candidates shall be very clear with what, how, when and where they should put in efforts to achieve something. As a point of fact, it is important to have a clear vision of your goals always and that’s why you should make and trust your mind map.
Keep a track
Setting goals and achieving them are two entirely different things and the difference between these lies only in the fact that whether you’re able to keep a check on your actions or not. You shall understand that it is always important to keep a track of your activities and not only this, you shall also focus on planning your next steps based on what you were able to achieve and what is still incomplete.
Revision technique
The revision technique contains two parts. The first part includes the 4 R’s strategy: Read important topics, Revise notes, Review mock tests and Re-read the tough topics. The second set includes 3 R’s: Revise, Recite and Review. If you do the above sets with determination and dedication, you’re guaranteed to reach your destination with great ease.
One of the most important factors that decide or determine your end results is the pace. As a point of fact, your study shall always be well-paced which means that you shall neither be very casual nor be overburdened. It is important to maintain a balance and keep your mind calm while you prepare for the examinations.
We all are well-aware that practice is the only key to success and that the more you practice, the more likely you’re to achieve your desired goals. Students shall note that apart from reading your study material and notes repeatedly, it is also important to refer to the mock tests and do ample practice before you actually appear for the exams.
We all learn this fact the very hard way but hard work has drilled a lot of people in life. It is important to note and remember that to get somewhere where you wish to, you’ll have to stay committed and consistent. Apart from this, keeping your spirits high is another important thing which your focus shall be divided upon.
With this, we hope that we were able to guide you well on How to prepare for CA FOUNDATION exams in the last 2 months? (Strategy for May 2021)
Wish you all the luck!
Also read:
How to prepare for CA Foundation exams? (subject wise tips)
How to prepare for CA FOUNDATION exams in 3 months?
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