How to prepare for CA exams? (Selecting the right revision techniques for ca exam) – Chartered Accountancy is considered to be one of the most difficult courses and since, it is very rewarding, it requires 5 complete years of constant dedication, hard work, efforts, perseverance and motivation.
After learning for too long, analysing yourself and struggling to discover the revision technique for yourself, the exam season is here. Apart from thorough revision, it also demands a huge number of study hours, which is seemingly difficult but perhaps, makes all the difference.
Here’s presenting you the sure-shot techniques to identify and select the revision pattern which suits you the best.
Let’s go through some tips as to how to prepare for CA exams:
You’re required to closely monitor your study-pattern, observe it and decide the type of learner that you are. It is important to identify the times which you think are your peak productivity levels and according to that decide your schedule. With that being said, you shall also make sure that you work smart, and not just hard.
This is one of the most important things to do. You shall never wait for the last days. Understanding the fact that time will never be ’just right’ and you shall start as early as possible, makes all the difference. Whenever trying to discover the right revision technique, always believe in starting early.
You shall always optimise your learning environment. Your study place should never be the one with distractions as it tends to decrease the productivity. Always believe in experimenting to find out what works out best for you and that way, you can make the required changes to your schedule.
You must always stick to your plan of actions. Be as strict as possible. Dedicate all of your efforts to it and make sure to eliminate all the distractions. Whenever trying to figuring out the best revision techniques for ca exam, you shall first practice sticking to your course of actions and be true to yourselves.
Another important fact that you must understand is that it is extremely important to revise your content repeatedly. Whether it is during the exam days or the routine days, revising thoroughly plays a vital role for your success.
Understandably, there are a lot of things that you must be doing, otherwise and it is difficult to stay committed to one task as it is monotonous. And, in these times and thoughts, it is natural to feel low on motivation. However, realising the fact that it is just a part of the journey and you’ll surely be rewarded for it can give you a good amount of strength and motivation. So, next time, whenever you struggle to find an answer to ’how to prepare for CA exams’-consider going through the above points once.
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Note: Image Source Google
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