HOW TO PREPARE FOR YOUR EXAMS? – LAST MINUTE REVISION TIPS—-> Preparing for the exams has been a dreadful task to do since forever. And exam season, not to anybody’s surprise, always comes with emotion-numbing behaviors.
No matter what you do and how you approach things, you cannot take control of a few things and stop or limit them. Exam time and the attached feelings are one such thing.
Cracking the right technique and following the correct path is a question for which everyone is looking an answer for.
For you, the CA aspirants, we have come up with a few tips that you shall be following to prepare for the exams, especially during the last few days.
“I still have a lot to do.”
“Will I be able to pass this?”
“Even the bright students fail, what about me?”
“I always procrastinate before starting.”
If you say any of these things to the people you talk to or to yourself, stop it right now!
Why? Because your energies would be reversed to you. The universe is always listening, it would come back to you. So, make sure that you always say good, positive things so that you’re more confident and live in abundance!
Coming to the exam preparations, it is surely a scary task to do. And not only you but almost everyone sucks at figuring out the start and the endpoint of the revision. If you normalize it, you’re in your control.
Let’s begin to discover the true potential and unravel the deepest desires.
Read ahead to unlock the most-used revision technique to prepare for your exams during the last days and get closer to your biggest goals.
Make it a point to read the topics aloud, pretend that you’re teaching someone else. Not to be surprised but this is one of the craziest learning hacks— it not only helps you understand things better but also, helps you memorize them. And, that’s exactly where the success begins!
It is aptly said that when you read out loud, you tend to revise and learn better, and going by these words, you’re advised to always follow this simple technique to be able to revise effectively and efficiently,
Another important tip to be followed during your revision days is to revise over and over again, especially the tough and your weaker areas. Understand, that when we talk about competitive exams, every section is equally important and hence, you shouldn’t be leaving even the smallest bit of the syllabus.
You may consider writing out all the important points on a paper, highlighting them, and referring to them time and again. It would not only help you to understand and take a glimpse of a topic but also strengthen your preparation, all at once.
As mentioned, and discussed earlier, making and referring to study notes is the most important thing for you, as a student to do. You shall not be skipping this one. Make sure that whenever you sit to revise the syllabus, you keep your notes handy so that whenever there’s a need to quickly refer to a particular topic, you’ve it all!
Your study pattern might be different, you may be finding it difficult to crack a sure shot technique that guarantees results. But, understand that to get somewhere, you have to leave the place where you stand right now and that’s the secret to succeed — moving ahead!
Do you want to push your limiting beliefs and achieve your insane goals?
If yes, continue reading to get your shot of motivation.
Elevating your mindset and manifesting your dream life sounds too fancy but believe, it’s achievable. All you need to cross the odds are telling yourself positive affirmations. We might always start small, just like sowing seeds but as time progresses, you come closer to the goal just in the case of a seed turning into a tree.
Self-doubt might stop you time and again but once you decide to work past the mental blocks, you’re halfway there. Always have enough courage to walk ahead for you’re only meant to take charge of yourself.
Just DO it— despite the discomforts and the challenges!
Also read:
Smart and effective study tips for exam preparation
What is the easiest way to prepare for CA exams?
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