Chartered Accountancy, a 5 year long, course programme which is very demanding but at the same time, is one of the most-sought professions in India; is not easy and definitely, not what everyone can do.
But, once you decide and visualise the after-life of it, you’ll have to put in efforts and dedicate yourself completely.
The budding professionals often find themselves trapped and lost while figuring out the right technique to deal with the pressure of the last 2 months and prepare well for the exams simultaneously.
To assist the candidates appearing for CA Inter exams, we’ve listed some tips on How to prepare for CA Intermediate exams in the last 2 months.
We all know that before we can start with anything, we shall always make a proper plan. Hence, the students appearing for CA exams have to necessarily make sure that they make their study plan based on their needs and interests. Another important point which they shall focus on is understanding their study habits and then, making a time-based schedule.
Tip: You shall never overburden yourself. Always make a plan which suits your general behaviour and you think you can accomplish. As a point of fact, incomplete targets often give a feeling of disappointment which leads to demotivation.
Planning and implementing are two completely different things. Planning only involves understanding your habits and penning down the targets which you select for yourself whereas implementing the same involves taking the desired steps. It often needs motivation, consistency and a lot of efforts. The candidates appearing for CA exams shall pay most attention to implementing the plan and do whatever is required.
Tip: It is always advisable to take small steps because when you try to jump onto bigger tasks, you always tend to leave a lot of things which you shall have done. So, to avoid a discouraging attitude, you shall break tasks into manageable chunks and work towards achieving them.
Once you’re done with the above two steps, you’re required to work on the execution strategies. It may involve, studying and understanding your plan of action. Apart from this, it is also important to keep your long term goal in mind and that way you can mould your plans into what can deliver and guarantee results.
Tip: Having a clear picture of your goals always help you gain perspective and work with motivation and dedication.
Students shall understand that it is very important to check and measure their progress. Working on a plan and checking how much you have achieved are completely opposite things and only after you check yourself, you can plan the next course of action. Hence, candidates shall necessarily keep a check on their work and select the next goal wisely.
There might be times when you get low and struggle to build things again. But, in these times it becomes even more important to push yourself to take action because it is much easier to sit idle and think about how it feels to reach where you dream too but to get there and experience it, you’re required to work hard with consistency and motivation.
Wish you all the luck!
Also read:
How to prepare for CA Intermediate exams in 3 months?
How to clear CA Intermediate exams in the first attempt?
Note: Image Source Google
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