Most of the CA Intermediate students struggle to understand the right technique to prepare a particular subject. To nobody’s surprise, the syllabus is vast and in order to score well, multiple revisions and conceptual clarity is a must. We’ll be discussing some subject-wise tips as to- How to prepare for CA Intermediate exams?
Advance Accounting
While preparing for a scoring subject like Advanced Accounting, the student’s focus shall be on preparing chapters thoroughly. Candidates shall also ensure ample practice. The key towards good revision is allotting time to chapters depending on its weightage.
For example, the most important part is Accounting Standards, then comes, chapters like Amalgamation, Partnership accounts, Branch Accounts, Departmental Accounts, Internal Reconstruction and later, ESOP, Buyback, Company Accounts etc.
Auditing and Assurance
To prepare for a subject like Auditing, students shall focus on conceptual clarity. Multiple revisions are the only key to fetch more marks. The candidates should make short pointers which ensure coverage of the study material and this could be used to prepare during and on the days of examination. Another point that the students shall consider is preparing chapters based on their weightage.
Tip: Don’t leave topics.
Enterprise Information System & Strategic Management
For this subject, the students shall focus on clearing the concepts. Multiple readings of the study material and the practice manual would do. The only way to score well is by reading extensively and ensuring conceptual clarity. Candidates must note that for SM, it is important to practice as many questions as possible because it requires writing and logical skills.
Financial Management & Economics for Finance
This paper is divided into 2 sections: one for Financial Management which can be prepared by focusing on theory and formulas. The students shall consider understanding the making of formulas so that they’re able to memorise it. The other section of the paper is Economics for Finance which can be prepared by giving multiple readings of study material and practising questions of practice manual.
Other important tips:
- -Solving frequently asked questions
- -Going through suggested answers
- -Doing practice papers
- -Focus on practice manuals
Also check:
- How to clear CA Intermediate in the first attempt?
- How to prepare CA intermediate (Both groups) in 2 months?
- How to prepare for CA Intermediate Exams? (Subject-wise tips for Group-1)
Preparing for exams and attempting them are two completely different things. Exams come with a lot of stress and anxiety which brings self-doubt and a lot of unexpected behaviours. Whenever preparing for it and looking for ways to make your study pattern effective as to -How to prepare for CA Intermediate exams? – One must take all the above points into consideration.
Note: Image Source Google
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