How to Prepare For CA Intermediate Exams? -2021 (Subject wise tips for Group-1)——-> Most of the CA Intermediate students struggle to understand the right technique to prepare a particular subject. To nobody’s surprise, the syllabus is vast and in order to score well, multiple revisions and conceptual clarity is a must.
We’ll be discussing some subject-wise tips as to- How to prepare for CA Intermediate exams?
The candidates appearing for CA Intermediate exams know and understand how important this subject is. Some students may also find it to be a difficult one, especially topics like amalgamation and reconstruction, partnership, investment accounting etc. The only key to prepare this particular subject is to focus on the toughest topics first and then, planning for the remaining ones.
Business Ethics, Laws and Communication
Generally, students find this subject to be an easy one and try to prepare for exemption. On the other hand, some students may also find it to be difficult to memorise the exact topics. And of course, the law is a vast subject, in terms of the volume. The main tip to prepare these subjects is allotting enough time for all the topics and focusing more on case laws.
Costing and Financial Management
The only possible way to perform well in these subjects is practice. Do as many questions as possible. It is advisable to prepare FM first and then, moving to costing. However, it may depend on students. Another important advice is that the student’s focus shall be more on the core topics of costing such as contract costing, batch costing, job, operating costing etc. The candidates must make a note of not ignoring theory at all.
While trying to prepare for Taxation, the first focus shall be on conceptual clarity. The next step shall include solving different types of questions. The candidates shall first prepare the tough and important topics and then, move to the simple and easy ones.
Other important tips:
- -Solving frequently asked questions
- -Going through suggested answers
- -Doing practice papers
- -Focus on practice manuals
Preparing for exams and attempting them are two completely different things. Exams come with a lot of stress and anxiety which brings self-doubt and a lot of unexpected behaviours. Whenever preparing for it and looking for ways to make your study pattern effective as to -How to prepare for CA Intermediate exams?- one must take all the above points into consideration.
Also check: How to clear CA Intermediate in the first attempt?
Also check: How to prepare CA intermediate (Both groups) in 2 months?
Note: Image Source Google
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