How to Prepare for CA INTERMEDIATE Exam in 3 Months? (Strategy for single group for May 2021) — > To become a Chartered Accountant, one has to stay dedicated, motivated and put in a lot of efforts. Since this course is considered to be one of the most in-demand professions, it is chosen by a lot of students.
Chartered Accountancy is regarded as one of the toughest courses in India. Candidates appearing for the examinations have to devote a lot of time to their studies and keep their morale high. Another important point which the students shall understand is that to get somewhere and achieve something worthwhile, you have to leave your comfort zones and do whatever is required.
To get the CA degree, you’ve to consistently work for 5 years and clear examinations at 3 different levels: Foundation, Intermediate and Final.
Talking about the second step of the CA Journey: clearing the CA Intermediate exams. Let’s understand some points and tricks as to How to prepare for CA Intermediate exams in 3 months? (Strategy for the single group)
Make a schedule
Students shall understand that if you want to achieve something, it is important to have a clear vision of your goal and you shall work hard consistently. Following a time-based study schedule can reward you more than you ever thought. Therefore, the first step for your preparations shall always be making a realistic, time-based schedule
Students shall understand the fact that to achieve something of worth, the only key is consistency. As a point of fact, you cannot get anything while sitting ideal or while procrastinating. You’ve to overcome challenges and move forward. Skipping your tasks every other day won’t give you anything and that’s exactly why you shall be regular.
Candidates shall develop the habit of making good study notes. Whether you’re attending lectures, going through the study material or watching videos, you shall always make notes as they would benefit you on the examination days.
Tip: Always use pointers and bullet points to make notes. Try to cover the entire topic. Be precise but content should be inclusive.
Students shall understand the difference between understanding and mugging up things. If you keep your long term career in mind, you shall focus on the conceptual clarity. In order to fit in this competitive world, one has to work on advancing his skills.
Attempt papers
Before appearing for the final exams, you shall always spend enough time attempting practice papers (MTPs & RTPs) as available on the ICAI site. It is important to understand the question pattern and go through the suggested answers at least once before the exams
Students shall ensure multiple readings of the study material, understanding of concepts and practising mock tests. It is recommended to have revised the entire syllabus at least thrice before you finally appear for the exams.
Tip: Do not overburden yourself by setting an unrealistic target. Always believe in understanding your study habits first, and then, sticking to your revision strategy.
Last month strategy
As everyone knows, the last days of preparation are known to be stressful but important. The major challenge is to deal with the exam stress and prepare well simultaneously. Students shall select the revision strategy very wisely which not only ensures syllabus completion but also helps to boost confidence.
Tip: Practice mind-calming exercises and stay hydrated.
Everybody has enough abilities all within themselves, the only key is to practice and polish them. If you plan something, make sure you do everything that is required to achieve the goal. It is important to believe in yourself and work consistently with motivation and dedication.
With this, we hope that we were able to guide you well on How to Prepare for CA INTERMEDIATE Exam in 3 Months? (strategy for single group)
Wish you all the luck!
Also read:
How to clear CA Intermediate exams in first attempt?
How to prepare for CA INTERMEDIATE exams in 3 months?
Note: Image Source By Google
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