HOW TO PREPARE FOR CA EXAMS? (Study tips to ace learning and climb the ladder of success)
Understanding your study pattern is one of the most important steps to do before you start your preparation.
Students often get confused about which way to choose that can help them ace learning and also guarantee good results. To assist them, there are a lot of tips and tricks available online because social media is today’s town square.
When it comes to a course like Chartered Accountancy, candidates shall be cautious while selecting their line of methods used to learn and revise.
Let us dig into some of the tactics behind setting some realistic and attainable study goals which would make it easier for you to get closer to your learning goals.
-Analyse your actions
Students shall be able to observe and analyze their actions. This is because until you know about the way that you would address a problem, you cannot analyze it and think of better ways to come out of it. Whether you talk about how should a problem be solved or in general, being able to analyze your actions is an important attribute that you shall possess.
-Set specific goals
Setting some extremely specific targets and goals is an important skill for students. Unless you have a list of targets that you’ve to achieve, you won’t be able to make a plan for yourself and without a plan, your actions would never fetch results.
TIP: Students can make a simple written list of all the tasks that are to be accomplished. Seeing this list time and again would fuel you to take action.
-Stick to it
As a matter of fact, anyone can make a good plan but when you consider the quotient of results, you get the best when you stay true to your work and that is only possible if you decide to stick to the plan that you’ve set for yourself.
TIP: Do not make changes in your plan now and then because frequent alterations cause a lot of stress in students and it also demotivates them.
-Measure your progress
Measuring the progress that you’ve made after a specific time period is an important point that the students shall be doing. It is because once you’re able to do that, you get a clearer picture of what you’ve done and what has to be done. Based on these observations, it becomes easier for you to make your next immediate plan of action.
-Do not overburden yourself
When you’re told that you’ve to set goals for yourself, you often tend to set some unattainable targets and when you’re not able to achieve them, your morale pushes down. As a result, you try to achieve things by overburdening yourselves which is one of the biggest mistakes that a student makes. Hence, it is always advisable to break tasks into small chunks and consider them, one by one.
To conclude, based on your observations and understanding, you may come across a lot of study tips, tricks, techniques, and suggestions but you may only pick up the ones that you think would suit you the best.
There may be times when you might think that some strategy is working so well for your partner and you would also get the same results, but then, it doesn’t work that way.
Students are advised to work based on their study habits and patterns and not under the influence of others.
Success might not always come easy but if you choose not to give up and keep moving ahead despite the challenges, it would come to you, sooner or later. This is what we shall be waiting for and let the vision fuel as continuously.
Also read:
Smart and effective study tips for exam preparation
How To Concentrate On Your Studies? — Effective Tips To Improve Your Focus
Note: Image Source Google
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