HOW TO PREPARE FOR CA EXAMS? (STUDY STRATEGY FOR JUNE 2022) —> With professional courses, exam time is one of the scariest and most demanding times. This is the reason why most students are found to be anxious and zoned out, regardless of the support and encouragement they receive.
Come examination times and lines of counselors are very busy since the students are in great tension and want somebody to help them burst this pressure though parents and teachers are always trying to help them out but then the students who have been whiling away time or have been waiting for the last month to arrive and start their preparations and then they are in a panic mode.
Even such students can be bailed out provided they follow certain tricks.
Let’s go through them. Read ahead!
Taking up small portions at a time
Of course for the exam, students have to prepare the entire syllabus which should have been started long back. Anyhow if a student is left with a limited time he should try to break up the syllabus into smaller portions and should calculate how much time each part will require for the revision. Points like difficulty level, the quantum of the chapter should be taken into consideration. As the student will prepare part by part he will be able to develop confidence and of course, his speed will also increase.
Make Stories
The next thing which can help is instead of revising mechanically in an uninteresting way, transforming certain parts into the storyline. Our brain catches interesting things quickly and retains them longer. In this way, you will tap your creativity too and feel enthusiastic to do this experiment wherever possible. Theory Subjects have a lot of scope for converting the events of History into stories.
Try changing Topics regularly
The syllabus is a mixture of tough and light, short and lengthy, interesting and boring chapters. While preparing for the exam one needs to be very thoughtful and innovative. He should always try to employ different methods and strategies to revise and prepare. He can start a topic, go about it a bit, and if he finds himself stuck somewhere or is finding it boring he may leave it for the time being and proceed to the other one. He can also plan such a system that he shuffles through different varieties of chapters alternately. This will break the monotony of studies and the student will feel encouraged to go ahead smoothly.
Speak it and hear it
Speaking aloud about certain parts of a particular subject or a particular topic goes a long way in enhancing concentration and provides better understanding. Two faculties are at work. When we speak aloud our ears are listening too. Hence double effect. So any portion which appears to be hard to do just applies this technique of speaking and listening.
Sometimes even audio can be recorded and later on can be listened to. This will help us listen to ourselves and we can correct ourselves later.
Go old school: use paper and a pen.
This pertains to written practice as we have been doing in our school days. Sitting down with a pen and paper. Writing important words, important points, writing quotes and sayings, writing a summary of the chapter, and so on. Some selected questions can also be taken up and detailed answers can be written. In literature, it is always advisable to write extrapolatory questions that will not only help one develop expression but will also boost his confidence. Sample papers, Question papers should also be solved. This practice should be strictly time-bound. This will help the student know whether he’s ready to complete the paper in time or he needs to speed up a little more.
Question yourself
Now is the time for an overall evaluation of the preparation done so far. This can be done by asking oneself whether he or she is ready for the exam with full confidence or will feel still shaky at the sight of the question paper. Now start evaluating subject by subject, chapter by chapter, and point by point. If still there are slippery spots dwell upon these and strengthen your mind. And thus a student can enter the examination hall with perfect peace of mind and full confidence.
Read ahead to get your shot of motivation!
Whenever you feel stagnated and stuck with it all, never just sit and sympathize with yourself. Instead, have the courage to stand strong and face it all with courage. Push yourself to take little steps, but in the right direction.
Don’t just run like you’re a part of the race. Understand that even if you take one step a day, you can reach places and that’s how you would walk closer to your goals.
Little steps would drive you to your highest, craziest vision that you’ve seen for yourself. Let this scenario in your head fuel you to constantly move ahead.
Lastly, respect your pace because when you overdo, you might lose the easiest battles.
Also read:
Smart And Effective Study Tips For Exam Preparation
What Is The Easiest Way To Prepare For CA Exams?
Note: Image Source Google
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