How to clear CA Intermediate exams in one month? Study Plan And Tips—-> Chartered Accountancy, being one of the most difficult courses in India is considered to be demanding but only in terms of hard work. Once you make your inner-self strong enough and decide to put in efforts, you can achieve your goals.
Clearing the exams at CA Intermediate level is the second step of your CA journey and because the syllabus is vast, students often get confused and struggle to figure out the best preparation strategy for themselves.
During the last days of preparation, it becomes even more difficult for the students because stress and anxiety lower your mental energies and hence, you lose confidence.
To help the students with the right assistance to help them understand their study habits and select the revision technique and the preparation strategy. We have listed a few points below as to How to prepare for CA Intermediate exams in one month?:-
Subject Mix
One of the most important things to do to select the preparation strategy which suits you the best is to decide the subject mix. Since we are aware that the syllabus is vast and it is not possible to divide equal time to each subject and hence you can only understand the weightage of the topics and identify your weaker areas. Based on these observations, you can select the subject combination for the day
Setting some targets and goals on daily basis is an important part of your preparation journey. Students shall understand that they are required to set a time-based schedule that has daily targets and then, always make sure to measure their progress at the end of the day.
Learning Strategy
Candidates shall be very careful while selecting the revision and preparation technique because it plays a major role in your learning strategy. As we all know, it is much easier to sit and strategise but it takes a lot of efforts and dedication to actually work towards achieving it.
Students shall note that before appearing for the exams, you shall revise your syllabus at least 3 times. This won’t only make you understand the concepts in depth but will also help boost confidence. Candidates may select different revision patterns which they think that suits them best, based on their observations. It shall include multiple steps, thorough reading, conceptual clarity, practising questions and understanding the exam pattern.
Other important tips:
- Practice mock test papers.
- Set realistic goals.
- Prepare a time table.
- Measure your progress regularly.
- Prepare study notes.
- Keep yourself calm.
- Do mind-relaxing exercises.
- Stay focused.
Dealing with the stress should be your first goal and the next immediate target should be boosting up your spirits and working towards achieving your goals. No matter how many challenges you come across on the way, giving up should not even be an option on your list.
One cannot achieve anything while they choose to stay in their comfort zones and hence it is important to constantly push yourselves to take action, explore new horizons and expand your benchmarks.
With this, we hope that the students who were confused about: How to clear CA Intermediate exams in one month?- have all the answers now.
Also read:
How to prepare for CA Intermediate exams? (Subject wise tips for Group 1)
How to prepare for CA Intermediate exams? (subject-wise tips for Group 2)
Note: Image Source Google
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