7 Tricks That Will Help You Prepare for Chartered Accountancy Exams—-> In order to become a Chartered Accountant, you have to pass the Foundation, Intermediate & Final Examination. Passing these exams is a difficult task, primarily since some of the questions on the exam are based on technical and advanced accounting topics.
In order to pass this examination you will have to spend countless hours studying for the exam, but there are also other ways, such as getting proper guidance from an expert, to help you pass the Examination.
If you’re a CA student, you know that the bar is set high. You have to be prepared for the exams, and you have to be prepared for life after graduation.
The best way to do that is to follow a study strategy that works for you. That means taking breaks from studying every now and then, but also making sure that your study schedule is organized and consistent throughout the semester. It’s time to get back on track with a new study plan that’s designed for success!
If you’re someone who finds it difficult to tackle new challenges and is struggling with your preparations, here are some helpful tips that will surely help you ace the upcoming exams. Preparing for Chartered Accountant (CA) exams can be a challenging task for anyone. However, with a little bit of preparation and practice, you can increase your chances of passing them successfully.
Let’s take a look at 7 tricks that will help you get ready for chartered accountancy exams:
Practice under a time constraint
When you were in school, there was no pressure of completing your coursework under a set time frame. However, in the professional world, it is essential to practice what you’ve learned under a set time frame. This will help you improve your speed and accuracy while studying and give you a fair idea of how much time you’ll need to complete each question during the exams. If you have a month to prepare for the final exams, then you need to spend roughly 10 days on each topic. If you have 6 weeks, you need to spend about 3 weeks on each topic. So, make sure to practice under a time constraint, so that you can get a fair idea of how much time you need to complete each question, and then arrive at an average.
Take complete exam samples
Other than the prescribed textbooks, you can also refer to past papers from the CA board. These papers will give you an insight into the type of questions you can expect during the exam. The advantage of taking past papers is that you can completely understand the level of difficulty, the type of questions asked, as well as the marking scheme used. Apart from helping you get familiar with the exam pattern, complete exam samples can help you determine the areas you need to focus on. By taking complete exam samples, you’ll also understand the timing and pressure you’ll face in the exam hall.
Develop a strategy to tackle the test
If you’re a visual learner, then you can either create mind maps or flow charts to understand the topic at hand. This can help you understand the topic more clearly and easily remember the important points at a later stage. If you’re a reader, go through the prescribed syllabus and topics under each unit. This will help you understand the topics better and give you a clear idea about the syllabus. You can also take notes while reading or use sticky notes to mark important points or terms that you’ll need to refer back to again. If you’re an auditory learner, then make sure to listen to the topics you’re preparing for, in the car or while walking. You can also record yourself reading the topics and pausing at each important point. You can then listen to the recording while lying down to sleep. This will help you learn while you’re doing something else.
Don’t wait until the last minute to practice
You might be thinking that you’ll start preparing for the exam after your college/office work is done. However, it is advisable that you make time for your studies even if you have a busy schedule. This will help you get used to the exam pattern, timings, and the number of questions in one sitting. You will also be able to manage your time more efficiently, and it will be easier for you to finish your revision during your free time.
Don’t rely solely on reading material for practice
While reading material is important, you’ll also need to practice answering questions, especially if you’re appearing for the CA exams. This will help you understand how you can solve a question in the least number of steps, and you’ll also be able to identify the areas where you need to focus more. Make sure to solve problems and questions from various sources, such as books, study materials, mock tests, and sample papers. You can also make use of the internet to solve questions and post your findings on forums or groups. This will help you build a network of like-minded people who can help you out during your journey toward becoming a CA.
Don’t forget your English skills and communication skills
While you’re studying for the exam, it is important that you make use of the language skills you’ve acquired over the years. This will not only help you understand the concepts in a better way, but you’ll also be able to communicate these concepts to others in a better manner. Stay away from social media, and try to read more books or magazines to improve your communication skills and overall knowledge. You can also make use of the internet to listen to motivational videos or read articles on how to improve your communication skills.
The CA exams are important not just because they are a gateway to a new career, but because they are a measure of your financial knowledge. If you do well in the exams, you can say you’ve mastered financial concepts and have a better understanding of the financial markets. Beyond the exam, the next challenge is maintaining that level of knowledge.
Also read:
Smart and effective study tips for exam preparation
How To Concentrate On Your Studies? — Effective Tips To Improve Your Focus
Note: Image Source Google
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